Hey there,

Hey there, My name is Mohammadreza Amini. I am a Computer Science master student and a developer.

My Resume


Game Info Finder

Full stack web app that uses React, NodeJs and GraphQL to get all sort of information about video games.Test Project Description

Tech Stack

  • React
  • NodeJs
  • GraphQL

MP3 Tagger

This Electron/React app lets you to edit MP3 file tags with the ability to search online for tags and apply them to the uploaded file.

Tech Stack

  • Electron
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • TypeScript

Movie Info Finder

A Vue.Js app that help you find all sorts of information about movies.

Tech Stack

  • Vue.Js
  • NodeJs

Music Info Finder

A ReactJs app that helps you find all sorts of information about musics.

Tech Stack

  • React
  • NodeJs
  • Deezer API

I Should Plan All

A JavaFX application that lets to manage projects with lots of functionalities like calendar, dashboard, collaboration, etc.

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • JavaFX


I've worked with multiple technologies as a developer to develop & maintain my projects.

  • JavaScript

    I do most of my developments in JavaScript and I have a good knowledge of the programming language. As of recent, I have switched to using TypeScript as it gives me more flexibility and types.
  • NodeJS

    NodeJS is what I use almost everyday in my projects as a developer. I use frameworks and libraries like ExpressJs, React, Vue.JS to develop my projects. I love discovering new technologies that are related to NodeJS and web development in general.
  • Python

    Python was the first programming language that I learnt. I have worked with PyQt5 to develop desktop applications. At the moment, I use python when I need to automate something or when I need to parse and read files.
  • C++/C

    C++ was the second language that I learnt and I have worked with QT to make desktop applications. Learning C++ is essential because if you know C++, it is easy to learn other languages and C++ is one the most complete languages out there and we use it everywhere. Learning C++ let me also learn C and I use C from time to time when I am customizing my Arch Linux environment.
  • Rust

    I know how to code in Rust and I am learning more and more everyday. I am learning Rust as a side hobby. Rust is a language that has risen in last years and it is gaining more and more popularity everyday. I am learning it because it is very close to C++ but with memory safety feature.
  • Databases

    I know both SQL and NoSQL databases. I learnt SQL at university and I have some experience in it. But I like NoSQL databases more. I have worked a lot with MongoDB and I have a good base in it. As of recent, I have began to work with PostgreSQL and trying out some extensions such as MobilityDB.
  • Flutter

    I like to code my mobile apps with Flutter because it is cross platform and easy to use.
  • Java

    I can code in Java. I have experience coding desktop applications with JavaFX. I have also programmed a compiler for a course project in Java.
  • Linux

    I use Linux everyday and I have a lot of experience in it. I have a very good knowledge about linux kernel and I love using Linux.
  • Arch Linux

    My OS of choice is Arch Linux because it has a very good documentation and it is a roll and release OS with a great package manager. I have my own customized AwesomeWM window manager and I have put a lot of time into customizing my windows manager so it suit my needs. I have also put my MP3Tagger application in AUR and I maintain it.
  • Other

    As a CS major, I can pretty much code on any language and learn programming languages very fast. I am very flexible and a good team player.
  • Scripting

    I have written dozens of Shell scripts for various purposes
  • Git

    Git is a tool that I use every day to maintain my code. Mainly I use GitHub but I also have experience using GitLab. I am familiar with GitHub actions and CI (Continuos Integration) in GitHub.

My Journey

In my journey to date, I have learned a great deal about development and life in general.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


Lines of code

© 2021 Mohammadreza Amini . All rights reserved.